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2003-03-02 05:47:07
So when he left your flat that must've been a lot of snogging! Or was there other stuff too? And I think I can guess who tosser is, LOL :) Slapper ;)


Email Site

2003-03-02 06:36:01
Floozie !! Tart !! I am so so jealous !! Sonia, American men are lovely and that accent is to die for when they are whispering sweet nothings, but then I guess you learned that one for yourself !! I just hope he didn't go away thinking that no English women have kitchens . . .


Email Site

2003-03-03 07:37:11
Ali once told me to 'like everyone'...sound advice me thinks! Sooner or later you have to find one you like enough to keep around and that wants to stay kept!! Keep up the good work!!!


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2003-03-03 08:44:04
You Tart! I'm glad I wasn't in to hear the banging. :) Hugz hon. c.xx

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