Memoirs of an Eastender

Sunday March 02, 2003 - 9:39 a.m.

A taste of the big apple!

Currently reading: Nothing much

Making me happy: Oh just see below

Pissing me off: Having to stay at my parents with no internet all night!

So Friday was J's leaving do at work. I am SO going to miss her like you wouldn't believe. Not only beause I can't hire anyone else just yet, but beause she has become such a close friend! And she is SUCH high entertainment value, remember my birthday???

So, we went to Havana Central in Hanover Square and I actually pulled some guy while I was at the bar and spent most of the rest of the night being chatted up by him. He was actually really nice - funny, cute, very London. He was Asian, which is a first for me, and something that we talked about as well.

Anyway, I gave him my number, didn't snog him and then he walked me to the station, promising to ring me the next day. I don't give out my number, and I never meet people in clubs so it was all just a bit bizarre for me!

What's weird though is that I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to J properly - which we have both agreed was probably a good thing. While I was talking to this guy, she couldn't see me as so went without tears etc. And (sods law), she met a guy that she really liked - and she leaves the country for 6 months on Wednesday .......really is typical.

Anyway......I got on the Victoria Line and put me feet up on the seat and started to fall into a drunken stupor. A couple of stops later, a guy got on and I apologised and moved my feet - he told me not to worry about it, so I started falling asleep again and then he began to talk to me!!

He was very cute, about 6ft tall, dark, medium build, bit rough looking, sparkly dark brown eyes, but mainly a lovely big smile. He was from New York and could do a really impressive East End accent without sounding Australian like Dick Van Dyke!!!!

Anyway, the train terminated at Seven Sisters and we had to wait 12 minutes for the next Walthamstow train, which gave us even more time to talk....erm, you know what they say about knowing within the first 10 minutes whether you fancy someone or not, well it's TRUE!!!!! We got on the next train and then he snogged me!

Oh it was bliss. It was a lovely snog and rounded up my evening just nicely. So, I had some more........and a bit more......and a bit more.....and in fact he left my flat 2pm yesterday.


He's lovely. I'm going to call him Pushy Yank with the hope that I might actually see him again. Heh heh, I even put his number in my phone as 'Pushy Yank' which he found funny, but not as funny as the fact that there's someone in there named 'Tosser' - and no, it's not Mark!!!

So, that was all unexpected......oh yes, and the guy from Havana rang me as well in the morning. Which was interesting! we want to run a book on whether I'll see him again or not?? Leave a comment!

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