Comments so far


Email Site

2003-09-26 06:30:26
big-double-whammy-woo-hoo on the mark situation!!!


Email Site

2003-09-26 08:56:32
hoorah - except for the fox bit - but you'll get there - I hope he's worth it for all the jiggles he's causing within you. Thanks for the offer of coming to visit - would be lovely to see you! I really am pretty sofa ridden though so you'll have to make your own tea or coffee and stuff and I'll have to throw keys out of the kitchen window to you unless I am considerably better! Anyway - gimme a call over the w/e xxx


Email Site

2003-09-26 14:17:44
Give yourself an emotional re-charge - go and see My Life Without Me: Oct 26 - 21:00 Odeon West End, Screen 1 Oct 27 - 13:30 Odeon West End, Screen 1

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