Comments so far


Email Site

2003-10-20 21:28:34
when you can tgop "horny men wearing gypsy off the shouler shirts" then come and see me!!! peopel are weird


Email Site

2003-10-21 23:49:41
There is an urban legend about one of the munchkins in Wizard of Oz hanging himself during the filming of one of the movie's scenes. If you know when and where to look, you can see it in the background. I bet that's what the googler was looking for. I don't know if it's actually true.

Stopped by because of the banner, actually! I get googled for "Brazilian bikini wax" all the time and have no clue why. It's nothing I've evewn written about!


Email Site

2004-09-27 10:09:53
I love the dead body~!!!!!!!!

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