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2003-11-03 09:33:22
I remember WAF, which stood for "Worth A Fuck" but if a girl ever asked you said stood for "Well Attractive Female".


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2003-11-03 10:02:58
nostril licking was a coded term between that we used at work to establish if you would / had shagged someone also the blokes I have shagged recently all have references such as drive by, fly by, reverse fly by, tain by, sail by and so on depending upon mode of transport to appointed place of shag :D I wanna see the snog pic! actually that makes me sound weird. but I do wanna see the PNB


Email Site

2003-11-03 20:10:49
We used to have one in my old life where a gorgeous girl would be called a 'doppler'. I can't remember how the guys got there, but I think it came from the effect the woman would have had as she wandered past all the engineers desks listening to the individual breath intakes. (doppler shift?) Fuck me I need a life. xx


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2003-11-04 07:15:55
I used to give initials to the men in my life so that friends would know who I was referring to without having to say their names ie, MWT (Man With Tan)- he liked sunbeds a bit too much! Or my fave was SDB (Slimey Dough Ball) - a name given to an ex who was a bit of a creep!


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2003-11-05 12:51:26
Can't read it!

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