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Email Site

2004-02-16 18:14:32
I love the chav website - someone mailed it to me at work last week, and I laughed myself silly. Chatham (where I have the misfortune of living) is an ideal place to go spotting - they are everywhere, and have no idea of how tragic they are!! O'Neills in Leicester Square is a great place to meet attractive young soldiers (if you hadn't noticed!!). my only problem is that it is sooooo busy. The Litten Tree in Victoria, on a Friday night, is also a good place to feast your eyes before heading off somewhere else. Well, its always nice to have something to decent to look at whilst you're having a drink!! And last but not least - isn't 'stig' a great word?!? I haven't heard that since I was about 11!


Email Site

2004-02-17 20:09:22
I havent seen many sites either... too bloody busy.. cant believe I find time to update!!! hard life I lead isnt it?? I need to drink and throw up as well.. more beer, some voddy and a cone or three

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