Memoirs of an Eastender

Saturday June 04, 2005 - 2:09 p.m.

Back......or not??

Currently reading: Nothing at the moment

Making me happy: Life in general

Pissing me off: Being nervous about an interview on Monday

Over the past week or so, I've been considering whether I want to start doing this diary again.

Life is sweet, but I do miss keeping a record of how I'm feeling etc. So, should I keep it here, where I have the history of the last few years, or should I move to somewhere like Blogspot or Livejournal or such like?

So much has happened since October - some of it good, some VERY good, some bad, and some tragic. I guess that's what life is all about - it all tends to balance out in the end, doesn't it.

I had a quick look at my buddy list and there are a lot of people on there who haven't updated for 3 months or more. So is it that I need a new 'community'?? I joined one, but I think I have gotten bored with a few people on there pretty quickly. Perhaps I just need to get to know a few more people on her. I definitely need 'something'.......just got to work out what - any ideas anyone??

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missed much?

I've moved again - February 05, 2010

Will I return? - April 27, 2008

Another year gone - December 28, 2006

ChatterBlogs is fab! - November 04, 2005

Last entry! - September 15, 2005

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