Memoirs of an Eastender

December 02, 2001 - 8:32 p.m.

Veg, kittens and briefs

Currently reading:

Making me happy:

Pissing me off:

I'm absolutely knackered today - I really am.....I've just wanted to slob out and veg on the sofa all day. i guess I probably have for most of the day.

I wonder what kind of veg I would be, if I was? With the shape of me, and going by the size of my arse, I'd probably be a butternut squash!

We watched Pitch Black last night, and I was quite disappointed really - it wasn't exactly scary. Me and Mark had brought the duvet out to the sofa, snuggled under it wand were all ready to jump and cling on to each other - and the only scary thing that happened was that the munchkin's Bob the Builder advent calendar fell off the wall during a particularly quiet bit. God, did I jump or what! So, I found Bob more scary than Pitch Black, which isn't really a great recommendation for it, I guess.

I keep seeing these preview shows for the 100 Greates Records of the year - and hwo annoying, bloody Atomic Kitten are in there all the time with their demolition of Eternal Flame! And no, I'm not jealous that they're skinny and blonde with great hair and masses of money - REALLY - I feel sorry for the one that left to have a baby just before they released that other song that got to number one - she must have been SO gutted!!! heh heh heh, but then she's with that bloke from Westlife so they can't exactly be hard up.

Back to work tomorrow.....i nearly handed my notice in last week and that was something I never thought I'd see myself doing - I'm just getting so worn down with all the preparation for this merger. I just want to get on with my job - I love it and I know I'm good at it. All this 'startegy writing' and completing 'Project briefs' seems like a waste fo time and an absolute ehadache if you ask me. But, of course, nobody does!!!

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