Memoirs of an Eastender

March 04, 2002 - 4:56 p.m.

You spin me right round baby right round.....

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Making me happy:

Pissing me off:

Well, a slightly more serious entry than the last.....I got a bit of a shock yesterday.

Me and my cousin are really close - she's 6 months younger than me - also had a mis-spent youth (also corrupted by 'bad' men!) is now married and has a son about the same age as my daughter. Her hubby (who I had some amazing fights with a few years ago)has got a brain tumour that was discovered just over a year ago and, at the time, they gave him 2 years to live. In January, they gave him an extra 3 years which was great!

Well, I decided to take the munchkin over my nan's yesterday and thought it would be nice for Julie and Dave if I picked up their son on the way to give them a break and a bit of time alone together. I got there and Jue totally blubbed all over me, telling me what a star I am etc etc, which was odd - got to my nan's and she told me that the hospital have suddenly given Dave only 6 months to live.

God did I feel a prat - no wonder she'd been soaking my top! Poor cow.....she's never been very good at coping with things, and I have no idea how she's gonna do once he's gone. Bless her.

Anyway...what can you say to someone in that situation???? Nothing really! She gets all upset cos me and Dave joke about it...I tell him I'd love to try his diet out cos he's lost so much weight so quickly. Dave and I seem to cope that way, but it upsets Jue, so we have to laugh about it when she isn't in earshot.

That wasn't my only disappointment yesterday though...........I took the kids over Old Dagenham Park and there is NO ROUNDABOUT!!!!

Where the hell have all the roundabouts gone? Can anyone tell me where I can find one that isn't one of those crummey upside-down witches hat types - all tubes and stuff. I want a proper big wooden roudabout - the type you used to lie down on and look at the clouds until the spinning made you sick. There was always a small boy that thought it was funny to hold onto it whilst riding his bike round and rtound and round and round....blimey, I feel sick just thinking about it!

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