Memoirs of an Eastender

March 06, 2002 - 6:39 p.m.

I don't like me very much

Currently reading:

Making me happy:

Pissing me off:

Well, this week doesn't seem to be settling down at work....I'm still rushing about like a blue-arsed fly with no time to play like I used to.

Sod all this 'being a manager' business - I remember ALWAYS having my chat window available and chatting most of the day online.....whatever happened to all that? No wonder I was off with stress!!! I think to increase morale, everyone should be forced to have IM programmes loaded on their computers and they should be checked to make sure that everyone uses them at least 15% of the day or something - just to ease the tension.

I don't know whether it's cos I'm so busy at work, but I really wish I was single again. I know that it's an awful thing for a married mother to say and no I'm NOT having a mid-life crisis or nothing but I really miss my freedom! I feel stuck in a rut and need a change! I need a new man which is pretty shit cos I know that Mark loves me and he's great for me (when he can be bothered) and I would never want to hurt him and it's not in my nature to be unfaithful.......I've just got itchy feet - I like the chase. I know I'm a great mum but I don't think I was ever cut out to be a wife.

God I feel guilty for saying all that. And it's not his fault, he hasn't done anything wrong exactly, except picked the wrong bird perhaps!!!

I've probably got PMT.

I wont feel like this in a couple of weeks. I need something to take my mind off of my 'boring' image I think.

I'm having a few mates round tomorrow night to have a 'Battle Royale' evening which should be a laugh. We plan to drink, eat and watch japanese schoolkids shoot the fuck out of each other - heh heh heh. See here if you have no idea what I'm talking about!

It's a far cry from Moulin Rouge which I got out last night (it's WAY better at the pics btw, even WITH a widescreen telly). It took me all bloody night to get thru the poxy extras!!!!! But it was worth it I guess......I sobbed like a baby, which I couldn't do at the pics as I will NOT be seen crying by anyone else - even Mark if I can help it. People probably think I'm a hard-hearted cow, but in truth I always run away to cry.

Hmmmmm......Mark just called me from work to tell me he loved me - I feel like a total bitch now!

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