Memoirs of an Eastender

March 17, 2002 - 10:52 a.m.

Dukes, booze and flirting!

Currently reading:

Making me happy:

Pissing me off:

So - I managed to keep my head down on Friday and THANK GOD, my mum happened to ring me at the exact moment that the Duke of Gloucester reached my desk, so I was saved the indignity of having to curtsey to him! My boss was introduced though and it was dead funny to see her do her little 'bob' and say 'Your Royal Highness' with her eyes slightly downcast. I took the piss out of her for the rest of the day for that one - great entertainment value!

Her and a few of the other girls at work asked me out for a drink an' all - which was cool as it was a night where I was actually able to go. It was the old 'OK, I'll come for one' effort - and I ended up leaving at about 12.15. It's great that I have a boss I can be myself with - I know that we can say anything to each other out of work and it never filters back INTO work - which is important.

So - I got drunk and was flirting really badly with all kinds of guys in All Bar One - which is a laugh in itself cos I'm not into 'suits' - give me a guy in a greasy boiler suit ANY day. Actually, give me a guy in a greasy boiler suit TODAY, I could do with one! Mark's only condition on me going out on Friday night was 'Don't get pissed and come home expecting sex cos I've got to get up for work at 5am and I'm going to bed early!'


The diet's gone to pot - I have been starving for two weeks now, and I don't know why........I hope I'm not bloody pregnant again - that would be a tragedy!!! The amount of alcohol I consumed in two nights last week wouldn't have helped with any weight loss either - but hey, that's life I guess. Booze is good. That's going to be my mantra for this year as I consumed hardly any alcohol last year and I think my body has gone into shock because of it.

I must admit, I feel a hell of a lot better this year - last year was a right asshole, I felt really down for so much of it, and I shouldn't have done really. So, alcohol is my tonic and I should have an RDA of it I reckon. Maybe an RWA instead!!

Actually, I found one thing out about myself, that I didn't really realise before - one of the girls on Friday night has been on her own for a while after being in a long-termer, and she was moaning that she didn't know how to flirt, so my boss said, "Oh, ask Sonia to give you lessons....she flirts with EVERYONE, including women!" I flirt with women?? I'd never thought of it before, but I guess I do in a way. Flirting's good. Flirting gets you stuff!! Hee hee.

Mark's gone to his sister's today with the munchkin. I feel awful about it really - I can't stand his sister. I WANT to like her cos it wold make life easier, but she rubs me up the wrong way - and I can't be bothered trying any more. That's terrible, isn't it? And her youngest son is HORRIBLE!! He's only 6, but he's a right spoilt brat and I think he's been given the impression that the world revolves around him. Ever since she was born, he's HATED my littl'un and hasn't tried to hide it (well, kids don't, do they). He gets totally irate if Mark's dad plays with her - he tells him to tell her to go away and stuff, which of course, she can't understand. HORRIBLE kid! Although I've always wanted kids, I'm not unconditionally maternal - I've never liked kids just cos they're kids - I like them for a reason, the same as with 'grown ups' I guess.

This is going to be another hectic week at work - I fly off to Edinburgh on Tuesday - back late Wednesday night....but then that's the last of the travelling for a while - phew!! The last conference is next month, but it will be in London, so no travelling there to talk of. Oh well, I'm going down the shops now - I desperately need to buy some Frizz Ease to combat the bird's nest effect! I paint the most glorious picture of myself, don't I!

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