Memoirs of an Eastender

March 30, 2002 - 12:18 p.m.

Lip service Topic of the Month

Currently reading:

Making me happy:

Pissing me off:

I've just joined The Lip Service and have realised that March is almost over, so I'd better get a move on and do this month's topic. It also means that I get a chance to stop yesterday's depressing entry from being immediately on show!

So, this month's Lip Service topic is:

Everybody is looking for something. What are you looking for?

Hmmmm......that's a loaded one, and one that I find quite hard to answer. If I was Mark, it would be easy, he's ALWAYS looking for something....he's got the memory of a goldfish and would forget where his dick was if he wasn't constantly touching it!!! I'm always answering questions that start with, "Babe, have you seen my............"

Anyway, I digress.....what am I looking for?

I guess, happiness, in whatever form it takes. I'm perfectly content, but sometimes I don't think that's enough - especially after my out-pourings yesterday which came from nowhere really and have made me sit back and really take stock of how I'm feeling. Contentment is enough most of the time, but it doesn't completely plug the holes.

I'm also looking for some normality - I was ill for well over two years, and until I manage to get rid of the weight that I put on because of it, and get my hair and skin back to how they were, I don't really feel like myself. Everyone tells you that things aren't as bad as YOU feel they are, but it doesn't stop you from feeling that way after all, does it??

I want to be me again!

I'm looking for Sonia - plain & simple!

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