Memoirs of an Eastender

Tuesday May 14, 2002 - 11:58 a.m.

Student doctors? Pah!

Currently reading: Honeymoon by Amy Jenkins

Making me happy: My cousin's hubby's most recent diagnosis!

Pissing me off: Incompetent people

I heard some good but annoying news yesterday. Earlier on this year, my cousin's hubby was told that he could expect to live about another six months. He's got a brain tumour that they simply can't remove due to it's position.

Apparently they have since found out that although the tumour hasn't shrunk, it's not growing at the rate it was and his health has to be taken into account - he's living a near-enough normal life apart from not being able to work, getting bad headaches, occasional dizzy spells, and falling over some times.

The doctor that they saw back in February was a student doctor who hadn't taken all the factors into account, didn't have all the relevant history to hand and should NOT have told them what he did!!!!

As it is, they are unable to give a 'life expectancy' without somehting in his lifestyle changing to indicate that his condition is getting any worse - so he's not on a critical list at the moment.

Bastard!! Imagine what him and my cousin have been going through for the past few months. Wouldn't it have been better just to say, unfortunately I can't really comment on life expectancy at the moment - you would be better coming abck anoter day when there is someone qualified to deal with your case.

BUT, it IS good news really, so I can't feel too pissed off!!!

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