Memoirs of an Eastender

Tuesday October 01, 2002 - 8:03 a.m.

Feeling slightly better now!

Currently reading: Sushi for beginners - Marian Keyes (AGAIN!!!)

Making me happy: My 'chat' last night

Pissing me off: My husband, the toss

Oh my God! How depressed was I yesterday?? I still feel I had good reason to be, but I've never been one for wallowing in self pity for TOO long!

Anyway, Lorna came round last ngiht with KFC and we opened the bottle of Bucks Fizz that I had in the fridge (3 for the price of 2 at Marks & Spencer at the moment, I bought 3 on Friday and we had 2 when a girl I work with left for another department - I brought the 'Free one' home as a gift to myself. Aren't I cheap???)

I feel quite guilty actually, I was in such a self-obsessed mood - I was really REALLY down and feeling sorry for myself, and yet poor Lorna probably has far more on her plate than me, and yet she had to listen to me moaning and being miserable just cos I haven't had sex for a week and my husband's being a toss!

Anyway, i can't say thanks to her enough for being a mate! xx

So, THEN, after she'd gone, I decided to bite the bullet and email K. I know that he'd told me the day before that he was really busy and only popped on and off the net to get his emails and do some work, but I was down!!! So, I emailed him, said I'd been having a bad day and just fancied saying hi, and if he came on then could he say hello, even if it was simply hi/bye! Talk about sappy, but he DID! He was only on for about an hour, but he came on as soon as he'd read my email (5 mins after I'd sent it) and we had a really nice chat.

We didn't mention meeting, didn't mention anything that was said last week, didn't get too 'intimate', we just had a normal chat really, not TOO silly (although we were talking about Shakin' Stevens at one point and I was trying to explain which light in his flat contained my spy camera!). All in all, it was great, I believed that he cared about me, even if it is maybe just as a friend, I don't want to push it too hard.

But, it made me feel slightly better - although my husband is still a toss!

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