Memoirs of an Eastender

Saturday October 05, 2002 - 7:16 a.m.

Curiouser and curiouser!

Currently reading: Finished Sushi for beginners - haven't started a new book yet

Making me happy: Well, just see below!

Pissing me off: Being stuck at home!

Although Thursday was a very good night, what with TLW being nice to me, Stoke Boy ringing me to werar down my resistance twice and C ringing me twice and talking for ages too, I went into work yesterday feeling a little deflated.

I didn't get around to mentioning a guy I met on Sunday ngiht, did I?? I'd spoken to him online all weekend, we'd got on really, really well and he asked me to go to an internet meet up from the website I met him on, that's taking place tonight. Anyway - he decided on Sunday evening that he couldn't wait another week to meet me, so we arranged to meet up.

He was lovely, really cool - I only saw him for a couple of hours as by then it was getting a bit late. I really enjoyed talking to him - we had a laugh! Anyway, he told me to have a think about the meet and let him know whether I wanted to go with him.

Anyway, on Monday, I had a chat with TLW and he SO wound me up and SO upset me that I ended up in a really bad mood. Unfortunately, this guy (D), rang me up about 5 minutes after I'd spoken to TLW and I really snapped at him. Bad move! He didn't talk to me after that! I don't blame him, but I was rather disappointed!

Anyway, so yesterday I was feeling rather flat, and a little unsure of myself really. I couldn't work out what direction I wanted my life to go in. I got all the way to 5pm at work and was quite dreading the weekend.

Then I got an email from K. I was SO grateful for it. I had a niggling doubt in the back of my mind that he'd dropped me and I'd never hear from him again. So that was good!

I got home, TLW dropped the munchkin off (who apparently went to McDonalds with daddy and someone called 'Sharon'! LOL) and then I looked on my comp and I'd had an email from D acting as if he hadn't ignored me for the past 4 days! So, that cheered me up too!

I talked on the phone to my mate in Edinburgh for a while, put the munchkin to bed, had dinner, watched a bit of telly, spoke to my mum and then decided to have a 'romantic' bath! Candles, music and a lot of bubbles. I'd been there for a bout 10 minutes when my mobile rang with a number I didn't recognise.

It was C. My night couldn't have got much better. Well, so I thought..............he rang me to give me his new number and also to let me know that he'd finished with his girlfriend of three and a haf years. I was shocked! I was REALLY shocked! In fact I was flabberghasted (I love that word!). Obviously things hadn't been right between them or he wouldn't have seen me (which is roughly what he said too), but she's lasted longer than all the previous ones, so I just thought he'd hang on in there.

He also told me (and as I've said before, C has never had any reason to lie to me, and I'm sure he wont start now!), that he hadn't slept with her since before we'd slept with each other again that night, and for him, that is a very very telling thing! He's nearly as bad as me when it comes to 'needing' sex and contact.

So, he said he'd try and see me on Sunday night. I don't really want to push it as he will probably need qute a bit of time to feel 'free', and feel like he really ISN'T in any kind of relationship. So, I will just put him on a back burner.................for now.........let him lead the way, if he wants things to go anywhere, I'm not going to argue.

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