Memoirs of an Eastender

Thursday October 03, 2002 - 10:14 p.m.

Short skirt, long boots!

Currently reading: Sushi for beginners - Marian Keyes (AGAIN!!!)

Making me happy: Feeling hot hot hot!!

Pissing me off: Not having sex!

Today I was feeling bloody good about myself - so good in fact that I wore a skirt. And not just any old skirt - I wore a short skirt that I haven't been able to fit into for 3 years! Not only did I wear this skirt, I also wore my knee length 'fuck me' boots!!

I looked hot, even if I do say so myself, and I only really know I did cos everyone at work commented on it. I got asked 8 times if I'd got myself a new bloke - EIGHT TIMES!!! That's more than my previous record. So, all in all, a pretty good turn-out on the short skirt, long boots front!!

Soooooo, things seemed pretty 'slack' on the man front today, and I was feeling bloody frustrated and almost ready to try anything. There's a guy I've been talking to online for about 3 weeks, who I shall now name 'Stoke Boy', who has been trying to get me to have gratuitous sex with him. He fancies the look of me and he is BLOODY cute, but it kinda gives me an inferiority complex - especially as he is only 27!! Anyway, he was really trying to wear me down today......he knows I am 'without child' on Sunday during the day and overnight, and was offering his services - well, thrusting them on me really.

I'm very wary of sex with new men - which is probably why I always lapse back to C and what I know is familiar and good! i've told Stoke Boy this many a time, but he's very very persistent. I was starting to actually wear down and think that it may not be such a bad idea after all (seeing as I'm not likely to meet K in the next couple of weeks at least).

But then somehting very strange happened - C rang me! I haven't spoken to him since we DIDN'T get together on Saturday night, and I never hold out much hope of him ringing me - but he did. And he was most apologetic. And he was also very chatty. VERY chatty in fact - we had a very very in-depth converstaion about 'us', the fact that we always end up together, marriage, why on earth did I marry TLW, was it just because he looks like Paul, which I never thought he did, but apparently 3 separate people have told C that he does!!! I told C that HE was actually my perfect bloke, he asked whether I'd ever consider getting married again, I said only to him and he asked what 'marriage' involved - and we discussed that for a while.....he said it didn't sound as bad as he thought. Anywya - we talked about loads of stuff, including the fact that he's got really fussy in his old age, especially when it comes to women, but that he still finds me really REALLY attractive, and I've always had a good affect on him.

Talk about flattering!!

He reckons he'll ring me tomorrow. I can't wait!

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