Memoirs of an Eastender

Wednesday October 16, 2002 - 10:51 a.m.

Should I go Dutch? ;)

Currently reading: Throwing the house out of the window - Ben Richards (YET AGAIN!)

Making me happy: I can sign the days of the week and months - woohoo!

Pissing me off:, can't think of anything!

Soooooo,me and a certain Diarylander had such a good time Monday night, that she met me for lunch again yesterday - and guess what, she's STILL lovely!!! Shame she's now about to be boarding her plan and winging it all the way back to Texas! Boooooo!!

Last night was college again, and it was actually bloody good. I'm really enjoying it, even though I feel a bit out of my depth at the moment. She keeps telling us that our signing will get far smoother as we prcatice, but I just feel so ungainly and like I'm just making half-hearted gestures most of the time! They're a good bunch though, and I especially get on well with the only 2 young guys there (the other one is a Chinese guy who's about 50 odd years old!), and one of the girls is really cool too!

And, surprise, surprise, me & C didn't hook up at all last night. I think I may as well write him off as a bad idea - at least for a while.

On Monday, when I was a little, shall we say 'squiffy', I wrote an email to K that I wouldn't have done otherwise, and I forgot all about it until I was on my way to work yesterday. And then I remembered writing one but not what I'd actually written. I was mortified, especially as I didn't hear anything from him all day - I thought I must have turned into the world's biggest drunken sap and just blubbed "I love you" to him or something stupid like that. Anyway - when I got home, I checked my out tray and the mail wasn't TOO bad - quite funny actually, and then half an hour later, I got a reply from him. Which cheered me up! :)

So I wrote back late last night, and he wrote back AGAIN early this morning. I am SO shocked! This is progress! Although he hasn't mentioned anything about meeting at all, which puts a kinda downer on it all - am I just being 'cybered' here??? Am I never going to have the chance to actually have a 'relationship' with him, in the flesh (ooer!).

In the meantime, The Dutchman is fast catching up! He'd quite like to meet up next Friday, which is the next time I don't have the munchkin. I really like him - the more I talk to him, the more he's been growing on me. But actually meeting him is another thing all together, and slightly scary!! Exciting though! We'll have to see - I haven't made a decision yet!

Oh yeah, and in case you haven't noticed - I added a notify list - look, over there *points to the left hand side of the screen!*, so if there are any non-D'landers out there that want to know what I'm up to - you can be notified!!! :)

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