Memoirs of an Eastender

Sunday October 27, 2002 - 10:21 p.m.

What a brilliantly unexpected night!

Currently reading: The Silver River - Ben Richards

Making me happy: Read below!!

Pissing me off: Nothing at all, nothing nothing nothing!

Or should that be an unexpectedly brilliant night? Well, whatever - it was a great ngiht and I thoroughly enjoyed myself!

This is where most people are going to shout 'Noooooooooooooooooooo'! I spoke to C yesterday afternoon! He was in a good mood and told me that he'd been meaning to ring me, was goign to ring me on Friday night. I told him I would have been out and he said he'd expected that - but that he'd ring me later, after the footie!

He didn't - but at about 11pm, I rang him to tell him he was crap. He immediately asked me over - so I went.

I don't care what anyone says about C - when I'm with him, he makes me feel really good. He has become EXTREMELY affectionate! When we went to sleep, he held me tight all night. He stroked my hair, he kissed my back and my neck. He DID wake me up twice for sex - thank God the clocks went back an hour and I got a bit of a lie in!!

He is incredibly sexy, it's funny, as we walked out of his flat today to go down to the van for him to drop me home, I glanced sideways at him and saw him in a new light really! I just thought "God, I would!!", and I already had - LOL!

I really fancy him, and I really like him......but still, nothing would happen as a 'relationship'. Again, it's not the right time. I'm not something that he needs just now! To be quite honest, I'm not sure whether he would ever actually 'need' a girlfriend - and I AM the type that needs to be needed. I just love the fact that he's my mate though. I love the fact that we're completely honest with each other - and yes, I love being with him like I was last night. I love waking up with his arms round me. It makes me feel safe and special.

Anyway - last night's over now, and I have the rest of the week to look forward to - tomorrow night, I should be seeing The Dutchman again - which I'm looking forward to! I'm actually looking forward to Friday night more, when I should get to spend the whole night with him! I love waking up with guys - well, I love actually SLEEPING with guys - it's so nice and warm and cosy. I like all the contact and the skin on skin and.............*starts dreaming abotu last night again*

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