Memoirs of an Eastender

Tuesday December 10, 2002 - 12:07 p.m.

Lorna's broken my 30 year track record!

Currently reading: Lazy ways to make a living - Abigail Bosanko

Making me happy: Just being me!

Pissing me off: I am SO tired!!!!!!!!

For the first time ever in my life, I actually sat down and watched a Bond film. Yes, I was DRAGGED along by my Double E to see Die Another Day. For this result of coincidence to have occured, I have 3 factors to blame. (1) The Dutchman for keeping me on the phone, so I left work slightly later than I would normally have. (2) London transport having a surprisingly low amount of busses going from Euston Road to Angel at such a busy time of night. (3) Lorna being very persuasive and swaying me with Wagamama's when I was already very hungry.

So - Wiltshire and SJ.........well, he is really really nice. He's a sweet, decent, funny, honest, kind, sincere guy. He's good looking, has a nice, large house and (although he's not working at the moment), earns a bloody decent wage. He should be perfect.

I'm a prat.

I'm not sure what it is that I want........but i don't think I'm quite ready for what SJ wants. He'd want me to stop 'playing around' with other boys, and to be committed to trying to make a relationship work.

Also, i know Wiltshire isn't THAT far really (in world-wide terms) but it's a little further than I truly feel comfortable with. I have been feeling incredibly lusty recently and the thought of it being such an effort to have sex just does my brain in!

I want someone available, and close! Someone who I can feel comfortable with. Someone sexy and cool, who makes me laugh and that I know will treat me well. Someone I fancy the pants off.

Hmmm, sounds just like either C or The Dutchman - lol - maybe I'll just stick with them for a while.

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