Memoirs of an Eastender

Saturday December 08, 2002 - 12:53 a.m.

Where I'm at now!

Currently reading: The back of a Quavers packet

Making me happy: Life

Pissing me off: Naught, no, not a lot, zilch, that's not a spot!

Well, I haven't really said much about the rest of the week. Which is weird as it has definitely been a strange one.

Wednesday Night
I went to my designer's Xmas Party from work. It was a bit of a 'marketing luvvie' do but was surprisingly good fun actually. And I kinda managed to pull yet another gay guy while we were there! We had been introduced to each other, but later on when we were talking, he said that he probably would have come over to talk to me anyway as I am 'magnetic'!!

Woo hoo! I'm 'magnetic'! But apparently only to gay guys - LOL

The entertainment at the party was cool, if a little surreal - it was these two fat mid-late 40'ish blokes who looked a little like Tweedledum & Tweedledee. dressed in red dinner jackets, seemingly quite proper and then they did really weird stuff. When me & J turned up, they rang a bell and announced us! At the time, I just thought "Oooo, this is all a bit Jane Austen - how posh" and got a bit embarrassed. A bit later on, I realised that they hadn't announced anyone else at all - and after asking, they hadn't announced anyone before us either!

At one stage, they came round and gave J a menu and asked her to choose something from it. She chose an Americano. they shuffled around a bit and then suddenly swung their hips around Jerry Springer style and sang "You're great, you're great, you're great - go you, go you, go you!!" Which was nice!!


Things have been getting more and more surreal with K.  He's been talking to me way more and HE has been contacting me!  Actually, I had a particularly telling conversation with him during the week, when he was getting a little frisky and I suggested he found a girl that he could have cybersex with!  It's something I have never been able to master as I find it hilarious!  Yes, I can have VERY fruity and suggestive conversations and be downright slutty on occasion, but actually 'cybering' just doesn't work for me - and K knows that as we've had the discussion before.  Anyway, I made the suggestion and he got the right hump.  he said if anyone should be having cybersex, it should be us, but that he wants the real thing and that he wishes he had more time etc etc.  I told him to chill out and that I just thought it would be good for him, and then he said that he'd feel like he was being unfaithful to me as he cares about me so much.  I was gob-smacked!  He may be an arrogant tosser, but deep down, I really do believe he feels a lot for me.  I just wish he'd get his act together and see me!


A new'ish' man!

I've been talking to a guy from Wiltshire for a couple of weeks.  He seems really nice, he's got 2 daughters roughly the same age as the munchkin, he's fun to chat with, he's not bad looking, 36 and pretty settled.  I finally spoke to him on the phone on Tuesday (yeah, while I was out 'on the scene' with my favourite gay!) and the conversation seemed to flow easy enough.  He's originally from Somerset, so I think I'll call him Scrumpy Jack! (or SJ for short).  Anyway, we've been talking a hell of a lot more recently, and then last night, it all came to a head as he asked me when I last had sex, and I told him honestly - about 6am Tuesday morning!!  He then got really irate with himself as he said he couldn't understand why he felt so insanely jealous - seeing as he'd never met me or anything.  This went on and on a bit, and we finally decided that it would probably be best if we met up.  Sooooooooo, I'm going to Wiltshire tomorrow to meet him.  Which is exciting........but scary!


Mark / TLW

Things have been weird.  I don't really know what to say as I don't tend to write about him any more as he specifically asked me not to.  I DO care about him, and I DO love him.  I am SO worried that he is going to make an enormous mistake soon, and one which may have repercussions on the munchkin.  I know that we have had our differences, and I know that things have been rough for a while, but more and more, it all seems to have been circumstance and mis-understanding.  And a lot of that has gone now - and we talk more than we ever have!!  He has been such a huge part of my thoughts and life again recently that I just wanted to remind myself of that, even though I can't really say anything.


There's still loads of other stuff that I haven't written about - but I need some shut-eye now as I was up with the munchkin til gone 4.30am as she was very very sick.  I can still smell it in the flat!



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