Memoirs of an Eastender

Thursday May 29, 2003 - 9:23 p.m.

Half a decade anniversary!

Currently reading: Going Out - Scarlett Thomas

Making me happy: Trying to sort things

Pissing me off: My head still!!!!

In addition to my entry earlier about Lorna The Witch, I wanted to write something about my husband.

Today, well, in fact in about an hour, it is exactly 5 years since the night I first met Mark. I actually wrote a whole entry about it a year ago.

I feel quite emotional about it today. Not sure why. Perhaps it's cos something happened on Monday night (concerning the munchkin) which made me miss him for the first time since we split up. Perhaps it's cos I had a really funny conversation with him earlier. Perhaps it's cos half a decade is a bit of a milestone. Perhaps it's cos I'm not generally 'happy and settled', so I'm just missing the companionship. I don't know.

Anyway, whatever it is, I'm not going to let it get me down - I think I've really had enugh 'down time' this year and I need to just admit to myself when something seems to be wrong - sort it and get on with things. I refuse to stew in any self-pity and I refuse to procrastinate. i also refuse to let things get to me that I can't do anything about.

Ayway - if it wasn't for that night 5 years ago, my munchkin wouldn't be around today. and where would I be without her?

Probably out on the piss and looking about 10 years yonger!!!!

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