Memoirs of an Eastender

Thursday July 10, 2003 - 12:46 p.m.

Patrick Squeezy??

Currently reading: The Metro

Making me happy: Good night last night and another to look forward to tonight!

Pissing me off: I've only just stopped being drunk!

Well, seeing as I was just meant to be going out for a quiet drink with Lorna before she sodded off on holiday - I think we had quite a ngiht of it!

Chinese first (very yummy) and then onto our local pub.......sitting outside, watchign the world go by, taking the piss out of peoples shoes (which I seem tohave got into the habit of lately) and women wearing Tae-Bo outfits, and men with bad shirts and shorts and socks wth sandals. Just a normal boozy evening I guess.

But we were on top form! Oh, were we funny! we were, honest......and we'd been getting looks from 2 lots of 2 blokes on the table next to us most of the evening.

The final straw came when I was singing some daft song and Lorna said that the song always made her cry (can't even remember what the bloody hell it was now) and then she said "Aren't there any songs that make YOU cry?" And there actually are a coupe, the main one being "Baby can I hold you" by Tracey Chapman. But no, I was drunk, and the only thing I came up with was "Oh yeah, Patrick Swayze, she's like the wind" (the one from Dirty Dancing!) and it was a bit too much for both of us, we absolutely cracked up! We were pissing ourselves!!

Obviously this was a little too much for the poor guys on the table next to us and they just said "Would you liek to share the joke?" and said "Not realy, it wasn't even funny", but then we did, then one of the pairs went home and we had a couple more bevvies with the others and then it was last orders.

But one of them works for a brewery and they have loads of booze at home (woohoo!), so we went back with them! Totally innocent - totally, totally!

We had a great night, One of them played the guitar and sang, and we took the piss out of each other, drank laods and generally had a laugh.

I hope Lorna found it a good send off. I'm gonna miss her.

I also stuck a note thru their door this morning, just to say cheers etc, and you never know, maybe, just maybe, we've made some new mates! :)

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