Memoirs of an Eastender

Thursday September 11, 2003 - 1:44 p.m.

Nearly the weekend! Yay!!

Currently reading: Catching Alice - Clare Naylor (again)

Making me happy: Seeing the Loony tonight

Pissing me off: Erm.........stuff???!!!!

Oh God I have been CRAVING adult company this week!!! I love the munchkin to pieces, but I really

need to have some kind of social interaction with people.

Talking about social interaction - I found out a rather interesting fact last night, I was talking to my cute kitchen fitter about the night that he first came round to measure up, back here, and he said that he really WAS testing the waters as he well fancied me straight away. He couldn't believe that I'd sussed him straight away and yet didn't say a word.

Why don't men ever realise that they can't hide things very well! Hee hee.

Anyway - tonight, I will finally get to have adult company which is fantastic, even though it's Lorna who I can hardly class as an adult!! It will be great to giggle and gossip with a real live person. Ihave had a week in the office on my own, and then at home on my own with the munchkin. With no reprieve! I have been going GAGA!!!

Luckily, it has flushed out who really cares about me, as they are the ones who have been making the effort to ring and chat, or chat on MSN etc, knowing that I've been having such a shitty week.

As for The Fox..........I HOPE we're going to get it sorted. I get the feeling he's pulling away from me more and more. Before, that would have made me almost 'chase after' him, just as I don't like doing what other people want. But I'm not stupid, I refuse to fight a lost cause. I don't have the energy spare for all that kind of thing. I don't think I can emotionally handle too much rejection either -I am FAR too much of a wuss, LOL. I've tried to remain light-hearted and open about it all, but I simply can't hide the fact that I am fucking pissed off.

Really. I am.

What the bloody hell is wrong with me that I can't even hold together something pretty simple and easy-going? Why is it annoying me so bloody much?

Why doesn't he want me? How dare he not! We're really good together. Always have been.

Oh bollocks to it, I'm going to become a lesbian! Although, are women REALLY an easier option???? LOL! ;)

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