Memoirs of an Eastender

October 23, 2003 - 3:06 p.m.

Dump him!!!

Currently reading: The book, the film, the t-shirt

Making me happy: Off work next week - hurrah!

Pissing me off: My boyfriend....or lack of......

Everybody that I have spoken to recently, about how things are going between me and The Fox, has come back to me with exactly the same comment. It's been a resounding "Dump him!!! He doesn't make you happy!"

But being on my own is likely to make me just as unhappy. I think I'm unhappy because in my own mind, I now know that I AM ready for a relationship, and I want to try and go as far as I can with it, and yet he doesn't seem prepared to 'give' at all. And that just depresses me as I feel like I'm wasting my time even though we get on so well together. this just isn't going anywhere.

We DO get on really well - there is no denying that at all - but I am SO low on his list opf priorities that sometimes I think I would be surprised if I showed up on the list at all!!! If he wrote a top 10 list of factors in his life - I definitely wouldn't make an appearance.

I know that I'm worth more than that. I also know that I find it incredibly hard to let go. I have fought the battle too many times now to no avail, so what the hell am I wasting my time with? I need to get over it, swallow my proud and realise that for a while, I may well need to be on my own.

I don't want to be on my own.


Thanks for everyone's comments yesterday and today - it's great to have loads of comments - I THRIVE on feedback.

Vanessa - I think it's just you my love - you HAVE to sort your bloody system out cos it's shite!

Lorna - again, it seems to only be you that can't read the text - have you tried again since the first time??

Jason - awww, how sweet - and I would love to call you gratuitously! ;)

MLNDN - the bastards!!!! how dare they bloody pickpocket you!!! I take it you're still in Brussels. Big hugs and kisses.....hope they didn't get away with much.

Fairy - cheers lovey - we will have to see whether my secret web-designer can top my efforts - heh heh heh

And Julia.........bloody bananas!!! I told you, it wasn't funny the first time and I refuse to stoop to explain what you were going on about to my other lovely non-gross readers!

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