Memoirs of an Eastender

December 28, 2001 - 7:28 a.m.

Christmas is over (thank God!)

Currently reading:

Making me happy:

Pissing me off:

Well, I've just come in here for the first time in nearly three did I ever get so bad at keeping things going?

Well, as a quick summary - I've been signed off of work with stress (NOT a good time for it to have happened, but the doctor is very insistent that I finally take notice of me - he's said that he's seen me going this way for some time now and if I don't take the time off THIS time, then I'm going to end up far more seriously ill). So, I'm doing a lot of sitting around watching crap Christmas telly - although it did give me the cance before Xmas to buy all my final presents!

I hat Xmas - I always have. I can't remember liking a singla Xmas in the past 15 years really - which I guess is a bit sad, but true none-the-less. I remember losing my fascination with Xmas a lot when one year, I must have been about 9 or 10 and I looked out of the window, waiting for all my rellies to arrive, and it was bright, bright sunlight. I have always loved snow, and used to love going sledding and building snowmen and having snowball fights and walks through the forest when it was all white - and wrapping up in my scarf, gloves and hat. That used to be my ideal weather - and now I can't rrmember the last time we got a decent snowfall here. I know it still snows heavy elsewhere in the UK, but that's not right on my doorstep!

The munchkin was very excited about Xmas - she loves opening all her pressies and making very appreciative noises - she was an absolute joy. She made it all more worthwhile really. The only problem is that the nursery is closed until 2nd Jan - so although the doc has told me to get some r&r, it's not really happening cos she's always here. In some ways, I wish I really was at would be far less hassle!

As for work, it was all really starting to get me down - but I guess if I've been signed off, that's understandable. I had even started looking around for another job which was very hard for me. I really do lvoe my job and I work very very hard at it and I think I'm bloody good at it actually. Leaving would be a nightmare to be quite honest....but that's what I feel I have been forced into.

Never mind, maybe after my 'rest' I'll feel better about it.

I really must sort out something to do for my birthday.

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