Memoirs of an Eastender

March 08, 2002 - 7:13 p.m.

Glenn Close eat your heart out!

Currently reading:

Making me happy:

Pissing me off:

Well, that's another week over and done with - and all I can say is thank God!!!

Obviously that's not ALL I can say, or that would make for a pretty boring entry, even by my standards.

Battle Royale was brilliant! Great concept, well shot and some very funny moments (you think you can't get funny moments from a class of ninth grade Japanese kids killing each other, think again!). We watched the film, ate WAY too much Indian delivery, drank far too many Sidekicks and generally enjoyed ourselves.

I'm doing pretty well in my 're-introduction to a social life' scheme that I've put myself on. My plan to make sure I do something every week is working out. Weeks like this are a bit of a bugger cos Mark is working lates 7 days in a row which means that I can't go out in the evenings cos I have to look after the munchkin. But last night was the perfect compromise. I've got another mate coming round tomorrow night and then Sunday I'm round my mums - it IS Mother's Day after all!

It may sound like a pretty boring existence, but believe me, this is 100% better than it has been for the past couple of years - and I used to be a right party animal. Sod this married mother lark, it doesn't do your street-cred any good whatsoever!! Hee hee.

So, I've finally booked the train tickets for Manchester on Tuesday. How am I going to cope with a whole 24 hours (at least) of no D-Land?

An old schoolmate thatI once shared a house with has been in contact with me a few times and now she wants to meet up. I think it's cos she's just left her husband and is looking for ways to 're-new' her life. Isn't it amazing what short memories some people have - she got in touch with me, all sweetness and light "Didn't we have fun together? Do you remember all those times ice-skating/bowling/swimming/sharing boys?" Yeah, we hung around together for a couple of years - she was a mate of one of my best mates...I used to stick up for her a lot cos not many people at school liked her BUT the last time I actually saw her was when I (accidently!) pushed her thru a glass door cos she was being a hystericals bitch in the middle of a party we threw in our house in Hainualt that we were sharing and then I told her she was a shit-stirring nymphomaniac witch who deserved everything she probably had coming to her. I never wanted to see her again in my life and to fuck off out of my way, I was moving in with David (my then-boyfriend, now ex-husband!)

I'm not one for major outbursts like that....well, i definitely wasn't then at 18!! 12 years ago *sob*

So - why does she seem to have blanked that from her memory?? Should I say something to her?? Remind her?? At the moment, I'm finding it all quite amusing cos she doesn't seem to have changed at ALL! I'm sure the novelty will wear off though. As long as I don't let her know my surname now OR where I live, I should be OK. (She's a bit of a bunny-boiler!)

I must be same kind of masochist though, cos I know I'm moaning about her but I'm strangely drawn to her - maybe it's just a general feel-good thing about the fact that there is someone else I know WAY more fucked-up than I am?!

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