Memoirs of an Eastender

Saturday May 04, 2002 - 9:59 a.m.

Handed over and boring!

Currently reading:

Making me happy:

Pissing me off:

So, that's another week over at work. It was a pretty good one actually....I got 'handed over' to my new boss on Thursday - well, for those who haven't been reading, this is actually my boss' boss while my boss goes on secondment for 6 months. It's a bit scary as it puts me in a bit of a mid-management position as I am now reporting directly to the Director but that's not official. I can't quite work out my 'power' so to speak.

The other funny thing about it is that it's pretty well known at all levels that I'm not the Director's biggest fan by a long shot. Even HE knows it, and I think this has been seen as some kind of exercise to manipulate me and get me to work with him a lot closer. It's one of those things isnt it, the people that you don't particularly like, when you're forced to interact with them more, a lot of the time you find yourself liking them more than you realised. There's a head start on this one as I DO actually respect him - he's done a lot for our charity and certainly knows his business.

So - that was that.

Mark has been getting really really soppy over the last few days -I keep asking him why and he keeps telling me that it's cos he loves me so much. This is particularly worrying after what I wrote on Thursday! It's almost like he knows what I've been thinking and is trying to make life wonderful for me. Which is weird!

It's also making me feel even more of a bitch for thinking that way - which doesn't help matters.

I'm off to Canterbury today to try and buy a cool birthday present for L......we're going out with her tomorrow night, so I haven't left myhself much time to actually think about what I'm going to get her. Bloody typical aye!!!

But, at least me and Mark get a night out TOGETHER with no child! Which is a first. I really, honestly can't remember the last time we went out together. I think it's been over a year. Maybe that's part of the problem - we never ever get to be a 'couple' together really. And a lot of that is my fault because I feel dead guilty about asking other people to look after Abbi - even just for a couple of hours. It's silly pride that does it - I feel like I'm admitting that I can't cope, whereas I have had SO many offers from friends to babysit and they may well feel that I don't trust them because I never take them up on it.

This is one of the things about myself that I really MUST try to change! I'll let you know how it goes!

Actually, it's been quite weird lately as I've had more hits than ever on my diary but less people writing in my guestbook - that's made me think that I'm actually BLOODY BORING!!

Hmmm, now I come to mention it................

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