Memoirs of an Eastender

Thursday May 09, 2002 - 6:34 p.m.

The 'M' word

Currently reading: Oral by various poetic people.......and Nick Cave

Making me happy: My assistant J - I don't believe her brunette hair can possibly be natural!! Tee hee!!

Pissing me off: The huge number of spots I have at the moment

I hate days like this, where I'm rushing around because I know that I'm going to be out of the office tomorrow. Why do I always do it?

The amount of times I don't go to places that I'm supposed to because I panic about not being at work is amazing. It's a bloody good job that I absolutely love my work! And not many people can say that after all.

So - I'm off to Sandwich tomorrow - and yeah, I think the immature things like "If they offer me a sandwich for lunch while I'm there - am I going to start sniggering?"

Which I probably will, knowing me.

I'm reading this book of poems and such like and I actually got quite embaressed reading it on the tube this morning - not that any other bugger would have noticed as everyone is brain-dead until about 10.30am - this poem was about PMT/PMS and was very very vivid. It was good, but not quite what I was expecting to read at teh time.

I thought about posting it on here, but then thought about all those poor boys out there who just can't quite handle anything menstrual.

OH NO!!!!! I said the 'm' word!!

Sorry guys!

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