Memoirs of an Eastender

Monday May 20, 2002 - 9:19 a.m.

Stress and chocolate mousse

Currently reading: Trying to sleep in the bed you made by DeBerry Grant

Making me happy: The people I work with

Pissing me off: Not getting any sleep last night

I've just been reading back through some of the emails I sent out on Thursday after consuming copious amounts of alcohol - I really shouldn't do things like that!!

Nottingham was a great day out - me and my designer did the bare minimum of work and spent the rest of the time with him showing my round his gorgeous house, meeting his lovely wife (after speaking to her for the past couple of years), oohing and ahhing at his new office and enjoying a wonderful lunch.

I had this chocolate praline mousse for pud and it was the most divine thing I've tasted for AGES!!!!

So, a good time was had by all, except the peoplein various charity shops we wandered into that he slagged off the layouts of rather loudly - he's slightly deaf and doesn't realise the exact decibels he's putting into it!!

The trouble was that there was a crash on the M1 AND one on the M25 on the way home, and even though I left in plenty of time, I ended up being just two minutes late to pick the munchkin up from pre-school. It was horrible - it's a feeling I've never had before (as lateness is one of my pet hates).

I had this vision for about 2 hours of my little girl sitting on a bench waiting for me, all on her own because all the other kids' mummies and daddies had come to pick them up and HERS HADNT!! It was horrible - the feeling of stress didn't go away for the rest of the night. As it was, she wasn't even the last one to be collected, but by then, the stress had done it's damage to my head and heart.

How sad!

Anyway, I'm off to Northampton tomorrow and will be making sure that I leave a stupid amoutn of time spare to get home to pick her up - and at least there are other people around who may be able to help if I AM late tomorrow.

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