Memoirs of an Eastender

Wednesday May 22, 2002 - 1:10 p.m.

Funerals and wills

Currently reading: Tryin' to sleep in the bed you made by DeBerry Grant

Making me happy: Getting around to delegating more stuff

Pissing me off: TOO MUCH WORK!!

It feels like ages since I updated, and it's only a couple of days.

Work has had me running around like a blue-arsed fly lately and although time seems to have flown by (ie deadlines keep getting closer and closer!), I've done so much that I feel I've already done a week's work this week! And it's ONLY Wednes-bloody-day!!!

Mark's buggered up my internet connection at home, which was ncie of him, but he's promised to get it working tonight. I start having panic attacks if Ithink I can't use the internet and chat to my mates, read / send emails etc - I am such a bloody net-nerd!

I've got to go to my great aunt's funeral on Monday which has put even more pressure on me at work. I have promised that I'm going to be there because she was great to me when I was a kid and I think it's bloody sad that after nearly 90 years of life, she is going to be lucky to have 5 people at her funeral!

Five people to show for 90 years on this earth. That IS sad.

Mark has strict instructions for my funeral, but I don't think he'd adhere to them unless I put them in writing in my will or something, which is another thing I've never got around to doing. I wonder at what age most people write a will these days - they say that everyone should have one, no matter what their age, but bet the majority of people under 50 haven't got one.

Bloody hell, this has got pretty morbid now, I might post another entry later to get this one off the front page!

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