Memoirs of an Eastender

Monday May 27, 2002 - 10:50 a.m.

Getting my goat

Currently reading: Still reading it! Should finish tonight.

Making me happy: Still getting along well with Mark

Pissing me off: My laptop not having internet access

It's a couple of hours until I have to leave to go to my mum's aunt's funeral. At least there are now more of us going than I thought - funerals ARE awful, but the thought of just 4 of us standing around was depressing beyond belief.

Mark's buggered up my internet access AGAIN - and it means he's got to get my laptop a new network card, and neither of us can really afford I'm having to make do with using his comp, but he hates me using it (probably cos he knows that I'll see all the porn that he downloads all the time!).

I am going to have to get around to doing this month's Lip Service topic - I know I left it late last time, but it IS almost June now and I want to have done it in time this month. I can't even remember what it is this time - probably something I don't feel altogether comfortable writing about straight off or I would have done it as soon as I read it!

I've been watching Big Brother on E4 this morning, while I've been sorting out a load of bills and stuff that I've been behind on paying (oops). I'm sorry but Jade HAS to go! I haven't really formed much of an opinion about the rest of them yet but she's really got my goat.

Hmmm, where the hell does that saying come from? Does anyone know of a website that you can go to that lists origins of all sorts of weird sayings. I've heard of quite a few explanations for different saying - most of them based in medieval times - and they are dead funny.

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