Memoirs of an Eastender

Sunday October 20, 2002 - 10:57 a.m.

I love skinless sausages

Currently reading: Don't step on the lines - Ben Richards (Again!)

Making me happy: Having a great night with BD and Lorna last night

Pissing me off: Not getting a lie-in for over 3 weeks now *snore*

And no, this isn't some kind of code for a preference for circumcised willies or anything - it's true, I really do love skinless sausages! Thank you Mr Asda for bringing the little chipolata ones to me in Walthamstow - I will be forever grateful!

Hmmm, talking about my shopping trip in Asda yesterday, so begins 'The joys of being a single parent'! I am blessed with a child who doesn't play up in supermarkets. i have never had to shout at her, hit her or drag her out kicking and screaming cos she wants to eat an entire Smarties display (it's more likely that she'd have to drag ME away!). She's also very helpful - I give her stuff to put in the trolley and she does it, and then, at the other end, she takes it all out for me and passes it to me to put on the belt. However, yesterday, I could have quite happily swapped places with the red-faced peroxide blonde bad home-permed mother cursing at her 3 bratty kids. I was quite happily batting my eyelashes at the cute cashier guy as I was unloading my trolley onto the belt (well, I have no aspirations!), when the munchkin suddenly shouted at the top of her voice "Mummy, what's this?", waving a jumbo pack of condoms around in her outstretched hands. I can't remember the last time I bought condoms, but now I DO remember why I haven't.

I was mortified......not to mention no longer attractive to the cute guy (let me dream that I had him wihtin my grasp!). Although maybe it would have raised my street cred slightly - people may have thought I'm actually HAVING sex!! LOL

So Lorna and BD came over yesterday and we decided to play Boggle (after they had made me watch bloody Popstars again!), which resulted in my whupping their arses, 2 glasses of red wine spilt, one wine glass smashed to smithereens, plenty of red wine drunk, lots of mexican food eaten (from M&S and surprisingly disappointing compared to Asda!), baked peaches cooked, boozy mascarpone cream whipped and the piss taken out of each other extremely well! Oh yeah, then we played 20 Questions (Who am I) and always got them on Question 20. The first round was the most bizarre with the 'famous' people that were guessed on question 20 being Ruth Madoc, Captain Sensible and someone that Lorna thought of who I'm sure she'll remind me of later cos I can't remember for the life of me. Sorry Lorn!

I like having good mates - it's cool! They more than compensate for not having a bloke! LOL! Hmmm, apart from the sex of course. Talking of which, The Dutchman called me yesterday as he was in the car on his own on a longish journey and thought he'd have a chat with me. I'm looking forward to Tuesday but am still a little apprehensive!

OK - comments I would like today - am I the only person left in the world who gets embaressed buying condoms?

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