Memoirs of an Eastender

Tuesday October 29, 2002 - 10:15 p.m.

I am in a BRILLIANT mood today!

Currently reading: The Silver River - Ben Richards

Making me happy: I have absolutely no idea - but I'm bloody happy!

Pissing me off: Naught, no , not a lot, zilch, that's not a spot!

And I'm not even really sure why! It's not like I've seen any of the guys in my life - it's not even as if I've heard from K still (which is actually starting to worry me slightly now!). I just feel really good about myself today and that's enough for me!

Work was cool - my favourite Area Manager was down from Edinburgh and we went for lunch before we went to a meeting together. He is SO funny, and I really love being with him - in fact I probably speak more to him than anyone else recently as he rings me about 5 times a day!!! And NO, we ARTE just mates - although that's not the rumour that has been fast flying around the country at work!

So, there was that which was nice - I was still on a high from chatting with C the night before and getting pretty positive vibes from him......and I was talking to another guy for a couple of hurs on the phone last night - erm, lets call him Westie cos he lives out West. Well, Wetsie has been chattign to me for a couple of weeks now and is pretty keen to meet me - again, like Monkey Boy, I'm a bit worried that he coudl be TOO keen - but he certainly made me laugh enough to keep me on the phone til 1.45am!!! I was knackered!!!!!!

Tonight, when I got in, TLW told me that there had been a call for me, but he hadn't answered - so, it was a real boost when I listened to my messages and had one from The Dutchman. I rang him back and we had a really great conversation which culminated in him confirming that he was going to see me on Friday night still. I am SO looking forward to it. It'll be great to see him again, and finally get my 'oh-my-God-I've-had-a-one-night-stand' fears out the window! :)

I had college again tonight, which was actually really cool again - I really like it there. The people are pretty funny - there's a group that me and Lena sit amongst now who always make me crack up - and I have now learnt the most important sign in my repertoire - actually had to ask for it specially - and I am going to have to teach it to Lorna and J - it's "I would!" which is what I always say to them when I see a cute guy in the street.

OK, comments I would like today - Westie wants to meet me at the weekend, should I meet him, or should I leave it a bit longer??

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