Memoirs of an Eastender

Sunday December 15, 2002 - 9:09 p.m.

Who would have thought?

Currently reading: Nothing yet!!! Any suggestions??

Making me happy: Nice weekend

Pissing me off: Being so tired

Well, I was very surprised yesterday!

Following on from my conversation with C, I found out that I'm actually going to have a few hours free on Wednesday night in which I would be able to meet him, hopefully to have our 'chat'.

C is notoriously crap at being in touch, as I'm sure people are aware from reading my diary over the past 6 months. I thought I'd send him a quick text though (and C never send texts to ANYONE - ever!!!), so just said "Dunno if you remember anything we talked about last night! I'm free on Weds now - interested??" and then I was playign around with my phone, deleting all old texts etc.

When I'd finshed, I was surprised to see that there was a voicemail - it was from C - he had rung as SOON as he'd got my text and he just said "Yeah, Wednesday's fine, of COURSE I'm interested!" And that really shocked me.

J came down yesterday evening and we went and had a chinese and then watched loads of films until the early hours. I rang C just to check that he meant it about Wednesday - which he that's cool. Had a very quick but nice chat with him again.....something about him getting good at making 'arrangements'.

I took J to Tescos in Barkingside today so that she could fully appreciate the calibre of Essex boys! I think she was impressed - heh heh. Even though I bumped into a guy I was at school with - which was a bit surreal. You know what it's like when you can't stop yourself from saying "Hi" to someone but then you realise that you don't actually know what else to say!!!!! So I started waffling on about complete bollocks - which isn't like me at all! *ahem*

I had a lovely offer from Lorna today to spend Xmas Day with her and her family, which I am seriously considering! thanks babe, love you loads.

Now I just have to sort out something to do Xmas Eve!!!!

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