Memoirs of an Eastender

Sunday December 29, 2002 - 9:37 a.m.

Watch this space!!!

Currently reading: Can barely see!

Making me happy: My Bad Man

Pissing me off: Liking bad men! LOL

I forgot to mention that I have been talking to a new man online......since this moved onto the phone for a couple of hours last night, I guess I'd better introduce him into the affray!

Welcome Bad Man!! He contacted me on Boxing Day through a site that I'm on, although I HAD seen his profile before and it always made me laugh.

All it says on his personal description (and this is a direct cut and paste job) is:

"Bad man... now, don't say I didn't tell you! Seriously ... your parents wouldn't approve... move on... nothing to see here "

Now, to me, that's a challenge......but he was slightly out of my age range (38) and Monkey Boy was around the same age, and I was wa little worried that he would 'act' too old for I never contacted him. However, when he contacted ME, he threw a completely new challenge at me. He was totally totally honest, told me that from my pics, he finds me very physically attractive, but the fact that I'm a mum makes him hesitate somewhat amd that he isn't long-term relationship material. But he felt he had to say soemthing to me cos he's looked at my pics for a while now and I've got boobs worth mentioning!!

Shock, horror!!

So, we attempted to change each other's minds......he told me he didn't want a relationship, I told him I found casual flings way too easy to have and that I wanted a bit more. He told me to go over, we could have great sex and then see whether we could build on any mor ethan that. I told HIM to come over, get to know each other a bit more, chat, discuss things important to us, form a relationship and then he could have great sex whenever he wanted!

Obviously we didn't agree with each other! Then we spoke for the next day or so....and then last night he rang me. He said he'd be able to seduce me if we met, and I said that if he rang and spoke to me, I'd be able to tell straight away whether he WOULD be able to at some stage.

As soon as I heard that he can talk as well as he 'chats', that he's funny in real life, can hold a bloody witty banter and has THE loveliest soft Irish accent (which I wasn't expecting), I knew I was in trouble.

We talked for about 2 hours and by the end of it, he said "So, where does that leave us?" And I was stumped. I knew that if I met him, I'd be lost, but I think he's brilliant....I really do - so what do I do? he knows EVERYTHING about my current situation....I can't believe I even told him about my 'Table of Men' that I devised for Lorna and he asked whether he could have his own file as he didn't want to share a page with other men.

After I spoke to him on the phone til gone about 9.30, he then started chatting to me again online. I ended up leaving him and going to bed at 3.45am.

Yes, I'm knackered..........but I am also totally and utterly won over. He certainly has the Irish charm, the gift of the gab, a great sales technique - SOMETHING! I think I won him over a bit as well though.......i told him that he would fall in love with me (yeah, right, ha ha) cos he likes talking to me so much. If he slept with me, he wouldn't want to stop talking to me online, which would mean he'd want to sleep with me again, which would mean it would be ongoing, which would mean we would end up having a relationship anyway.

He offered to pick us up from Gatwick New Years Day, when we come back from Amsterdam. I told him that was just TOO weird. I'll go over there after I've got home.

Ok, bring on the comments - why do I go for bad men? Why don't I get this 'tingle' with the good guys????

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