Memoirs of an Eastender

Saturday January 04, 2003 - 8:59 p.m.

Some bastard stole my purse!!

Currently reading: Nothing

Making me happy: Having very compassionate online mates

Pissing me off: Erm, just see below!

Can you believe it?? I had been having a fantastic start to the year and had convinced myself that THIS, Sonia my love, is going to be YOUR year! Then some ignorant twat went and lifted my purse from my lovely shiny new hanbag!


Actually, although I was highly unamused, I am NOT letting it get me down - I am NOT letting it change my mind as to the fact that this will be a great year for me!

So, I had arranged to go for a chinky with my lovely next door neighbour, and so, on my way to the station from work, I got some money out. In hindsight, I remember getting slightly 'jostled' as I got on the tube - but that happens all the time, so I didn't really think anything of it!

Anywya - blah blah blah, got to my lovely next door neighbour's flat, looked down at my bag, thought "That's strange, my zip's half undone - I SWEAR I did it up properly after I put my purse back in there, or someone could have nicked it".....looked in my bag and lo and bloody purse!


But at least they didn't take my digital camera which was right next to my purse - then I WOULD have been pissed off!!!

I cancelled all my cards, got taken for a chinky by my lovely next door neighbour, was given emergency cash by my adorable parents and felt pretty calm about it all.

Blimey - a week ago and I would have been screaming, crying, ranting, raving and feeling suicidal! What a difference it makes getting Xmas out of the way - ha ha!

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