Memoirs of an Eastender

Friday January 03, 2003 - 10:49 a.m.

And another thing.......

Currently reading: The inside of my eyelids

Making me happy: Server being down and not being able to do any work

Pissing me off: Server being down and not being able to do any work - LOL!

I keep forgetting stuff that I have meant to have mentioned!

Following on from my first ever one night stand, there was a moment when I first took Bad Man into my bedroom, sat down on my bed and then realised what kind of image may bedroom portrayed - which was entirely WRONG I hasten to add.

1. A spangly, sequinned thong hanging from a handle on my chest of drawers. (This isn't how it looks and there is a perfectly good reason for it being there. I accidentally bought the wrong size, but as I have been trying to lose weight over the past year, I have decided to leave it in view as inspiration for when I first wake up, so I think "I WILL fit into those pants!!!").

2. A bottle of baby oil on my bedside cabinet. (This isn't how it looks and there is a perfectly good reason for it being there. I suffer from dry skin on my legs during the winter - but have made an effort to 'oil myself' this year and have actually managed to prevent it - woohoo!).

3. A full length mirror at the end of my bed. (This isn't how it looks and there is a perfectly good reason for it being there. This used to be in the munchkin's room, but i had to take it out as I bought her a telly for Xmas and there wasn't room - so it is temporarily in my room until I can take it to the dump!!!)

SO, there were three factors that seemed to screaming 'TART' at him! And they were all conveying the wrong image - honest guv!

Oh yeah, and then I shagged him. Hee hee!

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