Memoirs of an Eastender

Thursday January 16, 2003 - 8:38 a.m.

Please let this week come to an end!!

Currently reading: Stupid White Men - Michael Moore

Making me happy: A nice big hug and kiss off the munchkin this morning

Pissing me off: Just see below once more - LOL

I don't know what else can possibly go wrong this week - everything has just totally gone to ratshit! I know I mentioned a load of stuff that had happened in my last entry, but it just seems to have continued along the same vein!

I have tried my hardest to be so positive but things just seem to be piling up against me at the moment - I don't know what the hell has been going on.

Work has been pretty difficult the past couple of days - lots of things have needed sorting and nobody has seemed to want to do their bit to help sort it without a fuss in the meantime. I'm hoping that all that's over, but I have some important and fiddly stuff to do today, so what happens - the munchkin is sick all over the floor! Twice!!! I rang the nursery up to tell them that I'd obviously not be bringing her in and they said "Oh, not another one, it's probably gastro, there's been a few cases, don't be surprised if it starts coming out the other end too!" Mmmmmmmmmmm, nice - I'll look forward to THAT!

So, I'm trying my best to get everything done from home. Thank God I got my fax set up last week!

I have also found out that now that my GP has FINALLY sent his report in to my new life assurance company (it has taken him 6 months to do!), my monthly payment is almost DOUBLING because I have hypothyroidism!!!!! As if it wasn't bloody bad enough haveing the stupid illness in the first place, NOW I have to pay �30 a month to have it!! Oooo, well THAT'S fair!

the worst thing this week though is the way that me & Mark have been getting on, or rather NOT getting on. It has been AWFUL the past couple of nights - but only when he's at home and LFT is in earshot. WHY do men do that? I've had that before, when I needed to speak to an ex about something and his new girlfriend was in the room, or in the same place or whatever, and he started really raising his voice and making out that I was saying things that I wasn't really, or deliberately taking things the wrong way and trying his best to have a go at me! Don't they know that we can tell it's all for show and it makes it SO obvious???

I think I know why Mark does it - it's just guilt - he wants LFT to think that we don't get on and that I'm bloody difficult and that it winds him up having to deal with me - purely because he doesn't want her having even the vaguest suspiscion that we've continued shagging since he's been seeing / living with her. I don't see why he thinks that making MY life a misery will make it less likely for her to find out, cos it wont - it'll make it MORE likely that she'll find out as I'll want to bloody well tell her just to try and hurt HIM like he hurts me. I think the easiest way to deal with it is to make sure that I never have any 'discussions' with him when he's at home. Only ever face-to-face or at work. It's the only way forward! I tell you something though, it makes me see him in a whole new shallow light!

Right - I'm off my rant box for the moment! I am STILL determined to keep everything as positive as I said I was going to back at the beginning of the year. Maybe I'm just getting my annual quota of shit in one month. THAT is making me still look forward to the rest of the year!

I will be more myself in the next entry! Promise!!

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