Memoirs of an Eastender

Monday January 20, 2003 - 8:26 a.m.

A good start to a new week!

Currently reading: Stupid White Men - Michael Moore

Making me happy: Back to being positive

Pissing me off: Oh so tired!!!

Well, last week DID finally end as I was praying for in my last entry - and the weekend was actually pretty cool!

On Thursday night, I spoke to C for quite a long time, and even though I still haven't seen him since just after Xmas, we've been getting on over the phone really well. That made it about 5 or 6 times that he rang me last week, as he said he'd call me again on Friday - and he did!!! In fact, when he rang and I was surprised, he was quite miffed!

I was having a really good text conversation with NoNoNoNo on Frday night, that then wenht online and finally ended in a 2 hour chat on the phone. He is SO perfect for me - apart from the married bit of course. Neither of us are quite sure what to do about the whole situation - whether we just meet and to hell with it all, meet but try to just be friends, or never meet at all. We're trying so hard to make it the last option, but it's getting more and more difficult.

We both know that we should just stop talking, but it's easier said than done. And then, on saturday, in the middle of a text conversation, completely random to what we'd been discussing, he just wrote "Wish I was single, we'd be a couple by now" and I just totally melted.

Saturday was cool - I unexpectedly got asked over to an online friends house in Maidenhead, together with 3 other people I know online. He has a daughter almost exactly the same age as the munchkin, and all five of us are just mates so it was great......the girls got on gantastically and played nicely with each other, and we all drank, ate pizza and just gossiped and laughed - as you do. We all got on really well.

Trouble is, when I got home last night, I was totally knackered! The munchkin went straight back to bed again, but I had loads of housework - trying to clear stuff as Mark is FINALLY coming to get the rest of his gear!!! I can't believe he's taken this long - but it's all going to be sorted now!

K started speaking to me online, which is a first...........been ages since we've really 'chatted'! I think he could tell that I've cooled off from him - but what does he expect? It's been over 4 months since we started talking and I don't feel any nearer to meeting him than I did then. He is NEVER going to have any time!!! The trouble is, he gets really annoyed if I say anything like that - so I've just stopped mentioning it, although I seem to get an email or text message most days from him, telling him how we HAVE to meet up soon!!! Strange boy!

Lorna came round last night, which was great - got to see me & the munchkin and we played on my lovely dancing game on the PS2 which has been keeping me very very amused recently! We are just getting SO good at it. Next time we do it in public at the seaside, everyone will be shocked and amazed - ha ha ha ha!!!

So - this week is going to be good - apart from the trauma of finally saying goodbye to all of Mark's stuff and him finally moving EVERYTHING in with LFT! Oh, hang on, no that's not traumatic! That's good!!!!!!

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