Memoirs of an Eastender

Thursday March 13, 2003 - 9:48 a.m.

Why haven't I written???

Currently reading: Shaken & stirred - Colette Caddle

Making me happy: Head clearing

Pissing me off: Just read on!

I think I may just be a bit odd. Most people seem to write diaries to get their feelings and frustrations out and to try and clear a lot of stuff in their heads. If I am under a LOT of stress, upset or worry, i tend not to want to write anything! Just like the past few days.......well, quite a bit over the past 5 weeks really, looking back.

Anyway - I am finally feeling better today afetr having a bit of a rough time this week. as most people probably know - when you're down, the slightest additional stress can just bigger you up completely......I went through that on Tuesday when all my electrics blew in my flat!

Theer hereby follows a small catalogue of events for the past 5 weeks that I have had the workmen in. I have a ground floor maisonette - 2 double rooms, an exceedingly small study, lounge, small kitchen and bathroom. The old kitchen was an extension and was sub-standard, so I had to have it knocked down and rebuilt - completely. THIS is the basis for all the work. I decided to make part of the lounge kitchen as well, and knock the chimney out of the lounge in order not to lose any room in there.

Week 1 - board up the kitchen, knock the extension down, dig foundations.

I buy a mini-oven and have my fridge, freezer, microwave, kettle & toaster in the lounge.

Thames water utilities main drain under the foundations, bigger job than expected, more money needed as they would have to put in extra RSJ's. kitchen can also not be as long as before.

Week 2 - finish the foundations

week 3 - build the walls, put a roof on, do electrics.

Week 4 - install doors, skylights and window. Take down boarding - knock down chimney, so no use of the lounge. One scary day when I had scaffolding in my lounge holding the chimney up! Oh yes, and because i'm getting a range cooker, they will have to pull all the floorboards up from the front door to put 30W cabling in! WHY did noone tell me this when I ordered it from MFI. Talkign of MFI - afetr assuring me I would get my kitchen installed by the end of March, they give me a delivery date of 25th APRIL!!!!!

I have NO kitchen at all, am using MLNDN's washing machine and staying at my mums a lot as I now have no kitchen OR use of a lounge and there is 2 inches of dust everywhere! NOT good for the munchkin. Also her room is full of kitchen & lounge stuff (as is my bedroom and the study) and she's been having to sleep with me when we're at home.

Builders accidentally turn off the fridge / freezer and everything is ruined.

Week 5 (this week) - everything plastered and can move stuff back into the lounge while they finish the kitchen (just the shell remember - still have nothing in it!!).........and then Tuesday BANG!!! All the electric in the flat goes. Thing Im most worried about is my food as I've only just re-stocked it all!

Electrician comes and sorts out lights throughout and pwer in the lounge - says its nothing to do with the workmen as the problem is in one of the have to clear the rooms by Saturday so that they can pull up all the floorboards.

Erm....clear them WHERE exactly?

So I broke down into girlie hysterics on Tuesday and decided I couldn't cope any more.

I feel a bit better now. And WILL write again soon!

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