Memoirs of an Eastender

Monday April 07, 2003 - 10:54 a.m.

The week starts here

Currently reading: Hard Work - Polly Toynbee

Making me happy: Great conversation last night

Pissing me off: I'm tired!!!!

And I have foolishly agreed to become part of a small group of mates that are going to support each other attempting to lose weight!!!! Oh well, the day had to come I guess.

The Oink vs The Fox thing hasn't really got any easier. No, actually, I'm lying as I spoke to Oink 'seriously' last night, totally on his suggestion, and was completely honest with him. i told him that I had sort of started seeing someone else (but only after he'd told me the same thing, LOL), and that it was really as a direct action against the emails that he sent me on Wednesday.

He asked why I had been upset about the mails, and I ummed and ahhed, so he said "You were hoping for more", and I said that I guessed so, certainly a bit more than shag and go. He asked where I'd got that idea from and then gave me his version of 'no strings', which is sex (yes), do stuff together, not see anyone else but still both do our own thing with no pressure or hassle or anything. I said "That sounds like some strings there" and he said, "Yeah, well, maybe a FEW strings!".

Why couldn't he have said that in the first place???? We've both kinda started something with other people now that neither of us seem too hot about, which complicates matters even further.

After having a pretty long serious conversation with him last night, I feel I like hm even more. I find him SO easy to get on with, it's mad! we just have to get around to meeting now.......but it's got to be the right time, right circumstances I guess. I don't want to blow this one as well.....and if it means waiting a while, then so be it.

In the meantime, The Fox is still being SO keen. I never really thought that guys could be liek that. He wants to know everythign abotu me, he wants to be part of my life, and it's suffocating. It's just pushing me away further and further and further. how can he not see that????

I'm confused!

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