Memoirs of an Eastender

Saturday April 19, 2003 - 8:54 p.m.

It's only Saturday - wow!

Currently reading: Barking - Liz Evans

Making me happy: Nice lazy day!

Pissing me off: No oink :(

Had a fantastic day yesterday - and even allowed The Fox to meet some of my friends including these two!

Since I had a good chat with him, we have been getting on really well. In fact, this week, he stayed Tuesday, Wednesday AND Friday night! It's difficult to turn down the opportunity as the sex IS unexpectedly amazing. In fact, it's about on par with The Dutchman, which is REALLY scary!

Anyway, my mate came up from Brighton with her dog to stay with me & th emunchkin yesterday, and The Fox stayed as well, and we met a few other mates in Valentine's Park in Ilford and just sat and lazed around, chatted, drank wine, ate sarnies, played with the dog / kids, played footie, frisbee and other things and generally chilled out. It was lovely....really relaxing, and the munchkin keeps telling me what a great time she had!

She loves The Fox. She thinks he's great. It's odd cos he's the first bloke that she's seen mummy with since she split with daddy, and I thought she might get a bit worried by it, but she doesn't at all, which is nice.

I haven't heard from Oink all weekend, which is upsetting really. I know that his ex is home this weekend, so they're trying to sort things out, but I mistakenly thought he might want to chat at some stage. I feel quite bereft! I haven't even had a text message! *sigh*

I even spoke to C today, which is amazing - haven't spoken to him for ages - haven't even SEEN him for over 3 months now, which just seems odd! He's been seeing someone apparently.....he was moaning that she's a bit clingy, and then he asked when we were gonna get together then. I said "But you're seeing someone!" and he said "When has that ever stopped you? C'mon, you knwo I need you........I've been thinking about you a lot lately, it's just not as good without you. I've missed you as a person as well you know". I think that was meant to be a compliment, LOL. I told him to ring me.

Oh yeah, and I would like to nominate this link as the fucking funniest thing I have seen in a bloody long time!!! Hee hee!!

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