Memoirs of an Eastender

Friday May 16, 2003 - 4:03 p.m.

You what???

Currently reading: Going Out - Scarlett thomas

Making me happy: Erm

Pissing me off: Yeah, right!

There is something weird going on.

This isn't my main entry of the day, which is here, and probably not much of an entry anyway.

My cousin just rang me today about her husband, who I mentioned here.

Apparently, afetr two and a half years of being told that there is no way he is going to survive past the end of last year (yeah, he's supposedly meant to have been dead 6 months!), the brain tumour has 'disappeared'!!!!


How does a brain tumour just disappear???

And apparently they have to wait 3 months for a confirmation scan. how can you celebrate or whatever, or even just carry on 'normally' if you can't have somethign like that confirmed for 3 months???????

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