Memoirs of an Eastender

Sunday May 25, 2003 - 11:10 a.m.

The other half of the story, LOL

Currently reading: Going Out - Scarlett Thomas

Making me happy: A sorted head!

Pissing me off: Got to go back to work on Tuesday - boo!

It�s funny that I always find it quite easy what to write about me and The Fox, even when I�m not really sure about my thought and feelings, but when it comes to writing about Oink, my mind becomes very hazy.

I�ve mentioned quite a few times that I met them, and a hell of a lot of mates that I hang around with now, off of a certain website���well, there�s message boards on this site, and on Thursday, I decided to try and glean some inspiration from everyone on there by posting this message:

�Just mates??

OK, apart from sex, what is it that makes a friendship with a person of the opposite sex anything more than just that???�

I thought SOMEONE would be able to shed some light, but instead, they all started going on about the difference between �loving� someone and �being in love� with them. And I�m sure that�s a completely different question altogether!

Later that night, as I was on my way home from The Fox�s, Oink rang me, pretty down cos his ex has been playing with his emotions again (bitch!). I told him to ring me when I got home, which he did, and we chatted on the phone about it for almost an hour. This is the longest I have ever talked to him on the phone in one go, and it was also the first �proper� serious conversation we had really had.

All the time I was talking to him, I kept thinking, �I need to talk to him about that message I posted, cos he�s gonna know it�s about him and think it means more than it does�. So, after we got off the phone, we continued chatting online and I brought up the fact that I�d posted something about �us�.

HE got it completely!! In fact, he summarized it really well after chatting about how our �relationship� has developed over the months. He said �OK, so you know that you want me in your life, but you�re not sure which room I should sleep in.� I think that was brilliant! Summed it all up perfectly.

After much deliberation, he also came up with the perfect scenario. So we�re sleeping in the same room, separate beds, but close enough to hold hands and chat all night. Honestly, when he came out with that, I felt like a big burden had been lifted from me. I made him promise that it wouldn�t change anything between us, and he said �Of course it wont, it�s not like we�ve slept together and now we�re not or anything, is it?�.

Anyway � I have since been really frank about how I feel about how his ex is fucking him around (bitch��..I think I mentioned that before), and at least now I don�t have to worry about him thinking I�m just saying it cos I want to have him for myself.

Right � now I have my head sorted, my heart kinda getting there and my job going the way I want and my kitchen fitted and working, I can stop writing dreary �I feel sorry for myself� entries!!! I have also started reading other people�s diaries again, as I had been really slack.

Never know, I may even mention about Lorna getting bitten by an ostrich yesterday! Ha ha ha ha!!!!

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