Memoirs of an Eastender

Tuesday June 10, 2003 - 4:03 p.m.

Bloody little buggers!

Currently reading: Angels - Marian Keyes

Making me happy: Erm.................

Pissing me off: My stomach

I had a lovely evening on Friday. Me, Bunty and Lorna went round to my mate Chel's. it was meant to be for a barbecue but the weather was a bit pooey, so it ended up as an indoor fry-up/roast-up etc!

We had such a cool time, it was nice and quite relaxing and I laughed so much that I had the most enormous headache from halfway through the evening.

Chel's 9 & 11 year old daughters had their mates over for sleep-overs and managed to provide a lot of the entertainment. Apart from one part!!!

9 year old: Can we take this upstairs so we can watch eastenders?

Me: You're only 9, you can't be addicted to Eastenders

9 year old: We watch Eastenders all the time (gives me a rough summary of what's going on at the moment)

Me: Oh, right (not really into eastenders cos it's a pile o' shite)

9 year old: My grandad remembers watching the first ever Eastenders

Me & Lorna: So do we!!!!

9 year old (with complete look of amazement on her face): How old ARE you????? you're not, like, 50 or something are you????


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