Memoirs of an Eastender

Friday June 13, 2003 - 9:46 a.m.

Mrs Potato Head???

Currently reading: Angels - Marian Keyes

Making me happy: An easier night

Pissing me off: So much work to do!

I love my munchkin - she's great. I've been having a hard time with her recently due to the 'Dummy Fairies' coming and taking all her dummies away (and leaving her a Barbie scooter I hasten to add), and also she can't seem to get her head around going to bed when it's not dark.

Anyway - that's all boring really, the long and short of it is that she's been getting out of bed a lot lately, when she shouldn't be! this has been causing me a lot of stress.

Last ngiht she was sick, poor lamb, and that wore her out so much that she went straight to bed, straight to sleep and didn't get up again until about 6.45am

She climbed into bed with me, gave me a great big cuddle and kiss. It was lovely. She wrapped her arms around me, put her head on my shoulder and looked into my eyes. She looked so perfect, and after the last few nights of me ripping my hair out, it was a wondeful moment in the sunlight thru the curtains. I wanted to just capture it.

Munchkin: I was a good girl last night mummy

Me: I know you were darling, you were very good

Munchkin: I stayed in bed all night

Me: I know babe, you were very good

Munchkin: And I didn't get up and you didn't have to shout at me

Me: I know darling, you made me very very happy last night

We hugged a bit more and I looked at her and she was glowing and smiley.

Me: You are SO beautiful

Munchkin: And you're beautiful too mummy

Then she pointed with her finger right on my chin

Munchkin: That looks like a potato!!!!!!


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