Memoirs of an Eastender

Tuesday June 17, 2003 - 2:42 p.m.

Which Jew???

Currently reading: Just finished - what shall I read now??

Making me happy: Things are pretty sweet just now

Pissing me off: I hate my hair

I had a lovely trip to Asda with the munchkin on Sunday.

We were standing at the checkout and in the aisle next to us were a couple of proper Orthadox Jews.

Obviously, to cause the utmost embaressment, everything was really quiet (most unnatural in a supermarket) and then the munchkin shouts at the top of her voice (pointing at the same time), "LOOK MUMMY - WITCHES!!!!!"

I tried to explain to her that they weren't witches, but she wasn't having any of it. "Yes they ARE witches mummy!!!". And then she did an improvised Witch song, along the lines of "Witch, witchy, witchy, witch, witch, witches, witchy.............and so on".

I was trying SO hard not to laugh, but, come on, what would YOU have done???

Also - I love Asda. I bought a couple of pairs of sandals. One pair were �15, and when I got to the checkout, the other pair didn't have a price on. The guy asked me how much they were and I said I couldn't remember - I thoguth they were about the same as the other ones. He just looked straight into my eyes and said "Name your price" and I said "Erm.....a tenner??"

So I got them for a tenner! Hurrah!!!

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