Memoirs of an Eastender

Saturday June 21, 2003 - 9:31 a.m.

Quick catch up

Currently reading: Charlie Big Potatoes

Making me happy: Going to the seaside again

Pissing me off: Emotional roller-coaster

Well, contrary to what you may believe, the reason I haven't written for a few days ISN'T because there's nothing going on my life, but because there is actually too much!!

This has actually been an odd and emotional week for me, and I have been having mood swings all over the place due to this. So I've not really knwon what to write.

In a nutshell, I had been seeing The Fox on a pretty casual basis - both of us knew that it was over, but we were just enjoying each others company until we felt ready to move on and continuing to have fantastic sex. Or so I thought.

On Tuesday night, The Fox finally admitted to me that he'd been hoping that my views would change and we could see each other 'properly' again, but he realised on Tuesday night that that wasn't going to happen. I was devastated. I had no idea. I thought he was cool with it all. So that was very difficult.

Then on thursday night, Mark came round to discuss some stuff with me. I was quite upset about all that an' all. I was hoping I would be abel to move down to the south coast, but I wouldn't do it of Mark wouldn't be able to see the munchkin as much, and at the moment there's no way that he could manage it. So that plan is on a back-burner. He said that him and LFT have been having problems. He's sounded so down lately that sometimes I feel I just want to scoop him up and look after him. I wish I could.

I haven't mentioned Oink much lately, I know. But he's still there. Still in touch all the time. I still talk more crap to him than I talk to anyone else about anything else. We throw the occasional serious comment in to each other, but even those are usually turned into a joke somehow. Yesterday I told him "Don't worry, I have accepted the fact that you're never going to realise that I am perfect for you!"

Admittedly, it was in reference to something very jokey - but at least I said it, LOL.

Oh God, and C sent me a rather peverse text mesage yesterday an' all - and C NEVER texts ANYONE!!!

But, today, I am going back to Southsea again, cos I have 'a date'! I have no idea how it will go. I am just looking forward to meeting the guy and having a drink and a laugh with him - nothing more. I will imaginatively call him The Sailor. Cos he's a sailor! LOL

I've got to go get my eyes tested in a minute. I wonder whether the fact that I'm suffering from the after-effects of booze and a sleepless night will affect my vision? Interesting..........

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