Memoirs of an Eastender

Friday June 27, 2003 - 8:41 a.m.

It's a date!

Currently reading: Old emails

Making me happy: A day off work - hurrah!

Pissing me off: Feeling guilty :(

I'm very happy cos I've just spent some time chattign online to The Sailor and we have actually figured out a day when we are going to go out again.

I am CRACKING UP that I am doing the 'dating' thing. I am actually going to go out AGAIN with someone that I haven't shagged. Someone who I think I might like to shag. Bloody hell, I'll be getting butterflies next!

The Date is some time off yet, due to munchkin-constraints, but I'm cool with that. Anticipation is good! And he texts/chats/phones me every day, so I feel like I'm getting to know him a bit better. Maybe something will work out, maybe it wont, who knows? I'm just gonna have fun finding out.

Me & Oink were giving each other 'ex-advice' on the phone last night. We both seem to know very well what's good for the other but not for ourselves - sod's law isn't it, LOL! I still get extremely irate that his ex hurts him so much - and that she doesn't even seem to care about it. But now that we've got away from the "I think I fancy you" thing, I've been able to talk to him much more freely about things like this cos I'm not worried that he's just gonna dump me cos he thinks I'm jealous. he knows how I feel about him, He's accepted that and we're both happy with what we have (I believe). He knows that I want what's best for him and that I wont try to subliminally manipulate his feelings!

Awww - had to stop just there cos Oink rang me again to check up on me!

So, later I am taking the Munchkin to the seside again for the weekend. She's been looking forward to it all week - in fact, we both have.

Although I am in SUCH a good mood generally, this week has been an odd one.

I need to think of a new banner ad! Hmmmmmmm...........any suggestions?

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