Memoirs of an Eastender

Wednesday July 02, 2003 - 7:00 a.m.

An eventful weekend

Currently reading: The best a man can get

Making me happy: Life in general!

Pissing me off: Not a lot!

Well, I took the munchkin to Southsea on Fruday and she had an absolute ball of a time. She loved it totally, especially when I took her over to the Isle of Wight on a big boat.

When we were on the ferry, we had this nutty woman sitting behind us, who kept talking to herself very loudly, giving a running commentary (as they do), and this was the point when I realised that my lovely dad had obviously been having a chat with the munchkin at some stage.

Nutty woman: Oooo, I hope it's not rough, hope it's not rough, hope it's not rough, don't like rough, don't like sea, get it over with quickly YES!!!

Munchkin: Who's she talking to mummy?

Me: Noone darling

Nutty woman: Don't like this, don't like this, don't like this......better be calm, gotta be calm, hope it's calm, I'm nto a good sailor.

Munchkin (turns to me with great big wide eyes): Is SHE your sailor mummy?

Me (totally bemused): No she isn't!!!!

Munchkin: Is grandad your sailor??

Me: Erm, no, I haven't got a sailor

Munchkin: Yes you have

I sat quiet and decided that if I ignored her long enough, it would work and she would shut up. Which she did. And then I sent a text to my dad who obviously found the whole thing highly amusing. Git!

Lorna and BD came over to the Isle of Wight as well, to see us, and we had a nice day, only marred by the munchkin falling arse over tit cos she was being a plonker and ending up looking like she was a battered child.

We found a milkshake bar as well, which sold nothing but about 70 flavours of milkshakes............mmmmmmmmmm!! Total bliss. I couldn't decide between creme egg, malteser or tiramisu flavour, but ended up opting for toblerone, LOL!! So, all in all, we had a really nice day. The munchkin was impressed with the beach cos the sand is fine and golden, and I think I may take her back for a week soon if I can get some time off work.

As for The Sailor, we've been getting along great. We text all the time, had a few very long phone calls and I am SO looking forward to seeing him on Saturday - even though I am not sure what to do. Where do you take someone in London??? LOL.

I did have a small crisis at the weekend though. On Sunday morning, when we were about to leave to come home, I realised that I had lost my keys - car and door!!! So we had to come back on the train (leaving some of our gear there), break into the flat and then I had to go back to Southsea again on Mondya morning to pick the car up and drive it back!! I spent nearly all day on Monday just travelling around.......I was knackered. And it put me a day out at work an' all, which was a pain in the arse.

Anyway - my own daft fault, but it wasn't TOO much of a trauma! I've had worse. :)

Things are getting easier with The Fox now as well. It was really difficult for a while, but I think we're slowly finding a level that we both feel alright interacting on for now. Sometimes he wants to be closer than I feel is comfortable and I think I just go quiet or don't answer questions. The thing is, I don't want to lose him as a friend, and it will take time for the new 'relationship' to find its level I guess. I am still over-whelmed with guilt and (of course) I DO miss him.

I haven't had sex for over TWO WEEKS now!!! What is going on????

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